Aerobie Aeropress Coffee Maker With Tote Bag

Aerobie Aeropress Coffee Maker With Tote Bag

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Aeropress Coffee Maker + Tote Bag

The versatility of the Aeropress coffee maker is what gives it such a cult following the world over and has spawned international championships, independent competitions, events, and even dedicated recipe books. Approachable and fun, the Aeropress coffee maker is a multipurpose brewing product that will meet the expectations of both beginners and advanced coffee lovers.

The Aeropress coffee maker combines the best of other established methods of brewing, such as the French Press and the pour over - this flexibility gives you the freedom to be creative and play with other variables, like brew time, water temperature and even grind size. With a maximum capacity of 250ml and an average brew time of minutes (and sometimes down to even seconds), the Aeropress coffee maker is a quick, easy way to guarantee good coffee.

Aeropress Coffee Maker + Tote Bag Includes:

1x AeroPress Coffee Maker

AeroPress Micro Filter Papers (350 pack)




1x Tote Bag